Our 4th annual Zombie Bike Ride was a monstrously large success! We turned Davis into a Halloween amusement park with 15 entertainment stations, zombie bike mechanics, and vendors.

We saw parks across the city fill up as event attendees interacted with zombies and local Davis groups. Event-goers never knew what was coming next: robots, lasers, reptiles, or pop-up stations built by community members!
The number of attendees was obviously larger with our extra activities including Zombie Paintball, the Sudwerk Pre-Bike Brew Party, the downtown Zombie Mash afterparty, and our sold-out Zombie Bike Ride Comedy Show/ Fundraiser. We estimate at least 3,500 participants for this year’s festival! Thank you everyone for participating!
Our marketing reached hundreds of thousands. Our partnerships and support from sponsors created massive synergy. We plan to give $7,600 to Norcal Trykers, which is $1,300 more than last year. This will enable them to create 8 custom tricycles for children with disabilities. We will donate $500 to the Bike Campaign to further their mission of getting everyone on a bike, including seniors. Our comedy show bar generated $603 for the Odd Fellows’ Hall Board, and our Pizza booth at the Davisphere generated $474 for the Davis Cub Scouts.
Thank you to everyone who was involved. It takes an entire undead village to put on an event of this proportion!