You're using all of your energy and stamina and strategic acumen. You're using all of your weaponry and casting all of your spells. Still the enemy is backing you into a corner.
It's a compete ZOMBIE TAKEOVER at Davis Cards in Games at 654 G Street in downtown Davis.
Who dares to take on these zombie warriors? This is the last image you see before the screen goes dark and it's GAME OVER! Bwahahahaha!
Still we, the zombies, are ever grateful to Melissa and Gretchen Showalter, owners of Davis Cards & Games and their amazing staff (shoutout to Cody and Paul) for being big time sponsors of Davis' second annual Zombie Bike Ride!
And for letting us overrun the store for a photoshoot and take fun photos with their cardboard cutouts!
We invite you to come out on the bike ride on Halloween from 12-3pm! It's a FREE community ride to celebrate the season. Details at www.ZombieBikeParade.com