Want to come to The Zombie Bike Ride, but worried that you don't have time to get your costume together?
Don't fret, simply make a stop at Bohème in Downtown Davis. This used clothing and gifts store specializes in fun, unique, gently used clothing & creative accessories as well as some new products. Most items $2-$12!
Boheme Address:
409 3rd Street in Downtown Davis.
Hours of operation:
Sunday – Monday 12:00-5:00
Tuesday – Friday 12:00-6:00
Saturday 11:00-6:00
Davis' second annual Zombie Bike Ride is going to take place on Saturday, Oct. 31st along the Davis Bike Loop from 12-3pm. Join this FREE community ride at any place along the route and ride in either direction to encounter ZOMBIES. Details at www.zombiebikeparade.com.
Although the ride is called the Zombie Bike Ride, riders are invited to wear their usual Halloween costumes. In actuality it is a Halloween ride, with zombie entertainment being provided.